- 226-

(Warrant for Arrest of Sarah Cole )

To the Constable of Lin

Complaint haveing ben made to us Bartho' Gidny and John Hig-
ginson Esq'rs. their majesties Justices of the Peace in Salem, by
Benja. Larobe of Lin in behalfe of Mary Browne of Reding widow
against Sarah Coale wife of John Coale of Lin. Cooper for that the
Said Sarah Coale hath Greatly & feloniously hurt the Said Mary
Browne by witchcraft to her great paine & damage & the Said Larobe
hath given in bond to procecut the Said Complaint to Effect. These
are therfore in their Majesties name to require you forthwith to
Aprehend & Seize the Body of Sarah Coale the wife of John Coale of
Lin Cooper & bring her before their Majesties Justices of the Peace
in Salem ther to be Examined & proced with according to Law dated
in Salem: 3 october 1692

/ *Bartho' Gedney
*John Higginson /

In obedience to this warrant [torn]
Seized the person w'thin [torn]
brought her before their [torn]
Justices of the Peace herein [torn]
Octob'r 3: 1692 The Mark of [torn]
Consta [torn]

( /Boston Public Library -- Dept. of Rare Books and Manuscripts /)

(Complaint and Recognizance of Benjamin Larobe)

1st of october 1692

*Mary Browne

Benja Larobe Enters the within Complaint w'th their Majesties
Justices of Salem in behalfe of the said Mary Browne of Reding

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